March 22, 2012

oregon sugar snow.

{thanks for all your thoughtful comments on yesterday's post-- i'll try to keep things a little lighter today!  we'll save polygamy for another day... hah!}
it snowed all day yesterday!
it is magical!
all of the blooming daffodils are covered in white powder.
coincidentally we just read the chapter in Little House in the Big Woods where Pa describes "Sugar Snow."
a sugar snow is snow that comes after it starts to warm up.
this is supposed to be really good for tree sap collection--
i'm sure that oregon maple syrup farmers are enjoying this sugar snow.
if there are any... which i'm sure there must be because there are lots of maples around here.
i think.
lots of trees anyway.
my kids got two days home from school.
i love having them home!
my entry way is strewn with gloves and boots...
my kitchen counters are littered with mugs that have just a little bit of hot chocolate hardened in the bottom.
the monopoly board has been sufficiently dusted.
anna is in the midst writing a great mystery story... "Picked from the Pound"

and my baby is currently crying at the sliding glass door for one of her brothers to come and bring her back outside...
i have two recipes for cookies that i'm excited to try...  perfect whole grain chocolate chip, and coconut macaroons dipped in chocolate!
oh, and some cream cheese cinnamon rolls-- you can find it here.
mmm... i suppose sugar snow makes me hungry for treats!
as i was wandering around snapping pictures drew said, "Oh mom!  I was thinking of you this morning.  Stand right here and take a shot!  with the bush, then the trees, then the trees farther away.  Isn't it beautiful?"
here is the view he was talking about...
it IS beautiful, isn't it?
he got this smug look on his face and as he said, "told you so!"
a trip to the backyard...
i will have you know that these pictures were taken before 8 am...
my kids are up and at it EARLY!

 can you see the yellow blooming daffodils-- poor guys woke up to a surprise.
 and my pretty purple flowers all shivering...
 can you see the green blooms on my hydrangea bushes?
 this is a view i don't show often-- up to my back porch-- almost every picture i take is off of this porch.
 the sun is shining-- it is beautiful!
 daizie thinks she's king of this white stuff...
 the littlest girls rotate faster than the other kids... outside, inside, outside, inside...
life is beautiful.
my little girls just came to me, sitting here at the computer.
their arms are overflowing with snow gear--
"can you help me put these on?" they keep repeating as i try to hold them off for one more minute...
they're ready to join their siblings in intense snow fort building.
{my favorite part of oregon snow is that it has only snowed a few days all winter long...  snow is like some relatives-- you love them to visit but not to stay too too long!!}
i hope you enjoy your day!
we will, i'm sure.
we LOVE a good sugar snow day!!


  1. awesomely gorgeous pictures Jenifer!

  2. I LOVE that picture of you and Eve. And also so cute your little dog has a coat! And of course your kids, they seem so nice.

  3. 1. Anna's hair is getting SO long!
    2. Cracking up at Daizie in a coat.
    3. New car???
    4. Drew was right. ;)
    5. That's all. :)

  4. A little bit jealous. . .It was 80 here today.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. thank you!
    i KNOW-- wasn't it a beautiful morning?!
    and, my kids ARE nice... wish they were nicer to each other...

    and, not a new car, just a rental todd got for his business trip.
    way to catch that valerie!!

    do you like anna's hair? i really want her to CHOP IT OFF.


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