March 02, 2012

white target bunk beds.

Dylan Bunk Bed - WhiteDylan Bunk Bed - White
bought these.
two sets.
from target.
they are not my favorite...
but, i am not willing to spend more for beds i like better.
especially bunk beds.
i don't love bunk beds.
i want cute, antique wood beds.
and someday, when we have more rooms, i will do a darling room for my older girls.
i have enough little ones that even if i took anna and ellie out of bunk beds, i would still have girls to fill them.
i love that they are basic and inexpensive.
i got two sets for $350-- including shipping.
15% off sale.
plus i used the target Red Card (it's debit)
it gives you an automatic 5% back plus free shipping.
the red card saved me an additional $150.

now, can we put a rush on it...
i'm ready to move rooms around!

update on organization--
i didn't get much done yesterday, except to make piles all over my kitchen counter.
i have a lot of junk drawers...
i emptied every single pile in my house yesterday and sorted into categories...
office supplies
hair things (boy o boy do we have a LOT of hair things floating around in junk drawers)
small toys
house stuff (screws, manuals, pads to go under the chairs, etc.)
paperwork that came with our house
i had ziplocs and  a sharpie so whenever i found a grouping (like hooks that are for my pot hanging thing) i just stuck them in a bag and labeled it.
no more floaters...

i haven't put anything away--
so my husband came home and laughed as he told me how nice the house looks.
it always looks worse before it gets better...
today, i'm expecting better...
i hope.

i am not showering this morning.
just FYI.
i'm getting RIGHT to work.
see ya!


  1. I might have to follow your example and order some bunk beds too. I've been searching for a white bunk bed but everything at the stores is over $600.

  2. just an FYI-- if you sign up for the target red card, you CAN NOT use it online until you get the actual card in the mail.
    they will give you a receipt that you can use for IN STORE purchases, but not online {i even called customer service and begged.}
    and, i can't wait that long.
    so-- i ended up borrowing my SIL's card and sending her a check in the mail.
    i'll post again when we get them all set up!!


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