April 25, 2012


just writing a blog post...
because i haven't made dinner yet-- it's 7pm.
(i have rice cooking, ham and a can of pineapple warming on the stove... no recipe, kinda nasty)
i just told the girls the first four kids to get their jammies on would get a surprise.
(maybe chocolate if i can find any?)
when they came up in their jammies i said, "quick, bring me your dirty clothes."
they ran back down.
when they came up again i said,"quick, set the table!"
they smiled and said, "OK!"
i love being a mom.

todd is at a track meet with the boys.
i assume he is thinking he will come home to a family that has already eaten dinner.
my job was to do laundry today.
i just put in my first load.
i did exercise.
and read my scriptures.
and, cleaned up breakfast.
and, um, that's all.
as in, i'm still in my sweaty exercise clothes.
well- they're not sweaty anymore.
the hardest thing for me with daily exercise is daily showering...
i used to be an every other day girl.
i hate having to redo my hair every day.
and, i took my girls to my friends house to play with their dogs while i read in the car.
good mom.
{i had to take them to my friends house because i didn't want anyone else (at a public park) see the fact that i was going to let my kids play while i sat in the car.}
good mom.

my problem...
i'm an addict.
remember i said i starting reading a georgette heyer book while i rocked eve to sleep...
yeah, i'm on my second book-- and i have no control whatsoever.
i'm conflicted until i get to that kiss on the last page.
it's pathetic.

my other problem...
she is a MESSY baby.
instead of following me around (like she used to do) she has taken up EXPLORING.
she particularly likes dog food and water.
she can find the dog food in the cabinet.
she eats dog food by the mouthfuls.
she stinks.
it's a MESS.
she empties my drawers, pulls books off the shelves, and has started...
she's good at them.
why does she tantrum?
because she wants to be FREE!!
she wants to walk by herself and run away and go outside and empty Tupperware drawers forever...
she's only ONE.

leah and lily.
i THOUGHT they took a nice nap this afternoon.
when they "woke up" i took lily's hand and it was covered in soap.
her whole arm and her hair was covered with soap.
their bedroom was full of bowls of water, wet tissues (a whole box), and hand soap.
oh, and many wet my little ponies.
my girls are so creative... {sigh}

the middle school is having sex ed.
i'm very open with my kids and don't have a problem with them learning any sex ed stuff.
i did NOT want to opt my kids out of sex ed.
{my parent's opted me out and i was humiliated.}
i went to the office and looked at the curriculum.
most of the Mormon's in my community do NOT opt their kids out of sex ed.
the curriculum was FINE.  good stuff those kids are learning.
they separate the boys from the girls when they teach it.
mentally, i had NO ISSUES with this class.
i made the mistake of saying to myself... "What is so wrong with sex ed?"
i felt the distinct answer, "There isn't anything wrong with it... In fact it is SO GOOD.  It just should be taught at home not at school."
i didn't want to hear that or think that or feel that.
so i smiled at the secretary, did NOT opt my boys out of the class, and i went home.
i couldn't get that thought out of my head.
it's not that there is anything wrong, just that it should be taught at home.
darn it.
i talked to my boys, told them my thoughts and asked what they thought i should do.
i told them i would not opt them out if they didn't want me to.
they both said, "mom, i think you should do what you think is right."
yesterday i went back up to the school and opted the boys out.
a friend told me that she also opts her boys out.
she says-- if you're telling someone about a beach and you love the beach, you'll tell them a certain way.
if someone else is describing a beach, and they hated the beach, their description will be different-- even if it is the same beach.
she said you just never know the background of the teachers... she agreed that teaching children about sex at home is the best way.
i will add-- because it is my nature-- i think it is really a good thing that the school has sex ed.
many parents don't teach their children things they need to know.
i think it's good that the school does.
and, i even think my boys' teachers would do a good job.
but-- i can't deny the feeling i had.
for me, i choose to teach these things at home-- to my family.
i decided that i wouldn't make them sit by themselves in the library writing reports.
drew has health 7th period, so i pick him up and we do "homeschool sex ed."
he loves coming home early.
it is a PAIN for me to pick him up, bring him home, bring him back for track...
but, a mom's gotta do what a mom's gotta do... right?!
see, i am a home school mom after all... for the really important things.  {wink, wink}

and, guess what else?
i BOUNCED my account.
{yes, todd and i have separate accounts-- he transfers a chunk of money to me and i spend our discretionary money.  i'm not super good at budgeting it.  yet.}
because of target red card.
you spend debit card money but they don't take it out till later.
so, when i checked my balance and spent more money-- my target stuff bounced.
oh man, i've got to get better at planning my money.
next month.
for sure.

want to invite us over for dinner?
all my easy food is used up and i'm down to the actual things i have to cook...
grocery shopping MONDAY!!!
i can't wait for may first and a clean slate!

that's my day.
how was yours?

ps.  no pictures lately because my hard drive is ALL FULL!!
i can't download them from my camera.
next month i'm getting more memory.
can you wait till Tuesday for pictures?


  1. oh - we all have days similar to this. i'm glad i'm not the only one. we had dinner at 7:30. awesome.

    that is how we do our accounts too. sometimes i hate being in charge of the discretionary spending because then any problems are obviously blamed on me. i too am going to be good at it someday! :) and yah - i decided i couldn't have a red card. they gave me the credit one instead of the debit one so i just don't put anything on it.

    like the thoughts about sex ed. i don't want to deal with that. but i certainly will have to.


  2. What is it with girls and water and soap. No matter how many times I tell/ask my girls no water in their room they are always doing it. I was not aware that girls are like 10 times messier than boys. Their room is a complete disaster every day. This morning my girls (ages 3 and 5) came to me all excited and said they had cleaned their room. I went in there and sure enough it looked really good, then I looked under the bed and in the closet and there was all their stuff. They were not happy when I started pulling it all out and " making their room a mess". Again, my boys have never done anything like this, I was so unprepared for how messy girls are.


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