June 04, 2012

summer tokens.

on friday night the professor and i went to a dinner at his work.
we (meaning just me) were a bit cranky on our way home.
we (meaning just me) were a bit overwhelmed with our looming summer.
some of us (meaning just him) thought that meant we had too much on our plate.
some of us (meaning just me) thought that meant we should stop saying we have too much on our plate and just start EATING what was on our plate.
some of us (meaning me) woke up at 5 am on a Saturday.
(don't worry-- i was not alone-- my children rise early, even on saturday.  it is our curse blessing.)
i began to plan and type and plan some more.
my life feels manageable when i have a plan.
$UMMER TOKEN$ were born--
this week is our trial run.  i'll tell you how it goes!
(i read about this in Glenn Latham's The Power of Positive Parenting book- i love it.  It is for older, really rotten kids... i would love to write the 2nd version geared for toddlers!)
i'll put a copy of our family's "$ummer Token$" at the bottom of this post.

we (meaning me) introduced our plan to the children that morning.
they are sort of excited.
we cleaned our house.
we planted more garden stuff.
we took home a giant worm factory to set up.
we bought a grill!!  (Happy Father's Day!)
we bought a slip n slide, and set up a racquetball net out back (we have a dinky yard), and bought some more yard games, and some bubbles, and some big styrofoam airplanes.
we had a piano recital.
we are almost ready for summer.

it feels good!
just so you know...  having kids is a JOB.
i work hard.
i get paid BETTER than money.
i wake up early, i dress for success, and I LOVE MY WORK.
my plate is FULL.
and today, i'm going to start EATING it up!!
mmmm.  life is good.

HERE  is one of my FAVORITE summer job charts ever.
(it is also my most popular blog post EVER.  about 200 people a day read it.)
i have made MANY job charts!!
my motto is--- Never Stop STARTING.
just do SOMETHING.
it doesn't have to be forever.
pray- ask God what your family needs- and just DO IT.
there is no perfect way.
and, the BEST way is the way YOU feel inspired to teach your family TODAY.
pick that way.
it is best.  i promise.

1 comment:

  1. My favorite part is that the screen-sneak-er has to pay the token even if he/she is VERY sorry! Genius to have that in writing! :-)


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