July 20, 2012

Oregon with Puzey's- part one. Cobble Beach.

we have been surrounded by family since the summer started!!

first, we had todd's cousins visit for a week.
these are GREAT people!!
it was so fun to tour oregon with them!!
we are still missing them and can't wait for them to visit again soon...
you can read about our crabbing trip- here.
and, you can read their blog about our vacation- here.

we celebrated father's day together!

we visited cobble beach where there are cobblestones instead of sand... you should hear the waves roll in!

we read some great signs!  i love signs.
we visited my favorite light house!

We played on the beach!  (i just LOVE the rain-forest-like path down to the beach!)

We stopped at a quaint covered bridge and met Maude who collects antique doorknobs and lived there when the bridge was built.

We jumped like crazy!

i LOVE spending time with GOOD people doing FUN things. and that is only HALF of the fun we had!!  
this is what life is all about!

1 comment:

  1. Is it me of your husband is getting cuter as he gets older???? He looks a lot more like Eric now!! I love it!!


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