August 08, 2012

looking up.

pictures from a small hike i took with the kids-- the scout camp pictures are on todd's camera, somewhere else.

my husband took the boys to scout camp last week.
they ended with a big overnight hike into the woods.
he said the whole way up they were surrounded by edible berries.
so fun!
jakob said the hike was hard.
he laughed that the map called this trail, "slightly used."
it was more like an amazon jungle-- overgrown with barely even a path through the bushes.
he said he learned something on that trail.
that most people just looked at their feet the whole time so they wouldn't trip over the roots.
he found that if he looked down a few steps, and then looked up, he would see so much beauty.
that remembering to look around would help him keep things in PERSPECTIVE.
he said that was a bit like life.
sometimes all we can see is ourselves and how hard our path is.
but, if we look around, we can see how beautiful our world is.
that there is JOY in the journey (my words, not his).
really-- this life is full of beauty and goodness.
 i'm so grateful for the chance to look up every now and then!

1 comment:

  1. ...and may he always keep perspective as he travels through life...he sounds like quite a kid! xxx


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