October 18, 2012


we grew YELLOW tomatoes.
i spent last night canning applesauce and the week before playing with tomatoes.
i still have lots of tomatoes, peppers, brussels sprouts and purple cauliflower.
my children are great helpers.
{yesterday, anna asked if i would let her, drew and ellie can applesauce by themselves sometime.  i'm pretty sure they could do just as good of a job as i do!}
red pepper.
i love the fall!
speaking of falls-- 
poor eve fell on her red, plastic barn this morning.  i'm sure she'll have a black eye.  poor girl.
my tomato loving girl after 'helping' me pick in the garden.
i love being a mother.
life is beautiful!!

today-- take time to see the beauty in your life and smell the flowers!

*** I forgot to mention-- i was a guest blogger at my friend Christina's Blog- Hands full and loving it (mostly).  Please hop on over and check it out!!  (I don't say anything that i haven't already said here 1000 times.

1 comment:

  1. What a sweet little face your baby has. I bet her cheeks are irresistibly kissable!


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