December 10, 2012


hello friends.
this little blog of mine has been a bit neglected.
our home has been full of family visiting from Idaho and then New Jersey!!
my aunt and uncle and FATHER came to visit!!
it has been SO fun introducing them to all my kids and showing them the sites of Oregon.
Really, I have loved watching my father interact with my kids.
They loved him, right away... even thought they haven't met him before.
There is just something about grandpas.  I'm so grateful for this past week.
I can't even tell you.
a beautiful Oregon trip to the beach...
We leave early next week for Christmas in Idaho...  This week is full of goodbyes, class parties and life.
I'll try to stop in every now and then!  Hope you're having a great December!


  1. That picture of your dad with your kids made me smile. I can see you in him. . .I'm glad his visit was a blessing.

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  3. I have been thinking about you and wondering how you're doing.


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