April 01, 2013

Happy Easter 2013!

Guess what?!!
Our guinea pigs had babies this weekend.
The first piggie gave birth on Saturday, and her sister followed on Easter Sunday.
It was such a fun Easter blessing!
I LOVE springtime.
(Have you ever watched an animal birth?  I hadn't before.  The sweet mama just slipped her baby out and began cleaning it up.  As soon as she'd finished cleaning one, she would turn and slip out another baby.  Clean, turn, deliver.  It was beautiful.  She is such a good mother and has the CUTEST little babies... you need one at your house i think!!)
They are darling little babies.
Don't ask me what I'm going to do with 12 guinea pigs... we're taking things one day at a time around here.  (smile.)
Our Easter was laid back and perfect.
I hardly decorated, there was no grand Passover Feast.
We decorated Easter eggs in our jammies on Saturday night.
We did have a sweet family night about the last week of the Savior's life and kept things VERY simple.
As in, no Easter baskets-- just a bunny, some peeps, hidden eggs and some new spring clothes wrapped in a box and hidden like their basket would have been.
It was nice.
I love my gang!
Even if they do go a bit crazy every time I ask them to smile...

happy easter!! 
from the moss family

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