May 04, 2013

Day 4- Do Not Disturb

For sure my hardest day so far. They thought my PICC line was infected so I had worried visitors throughout much of the night.
I'm not loving this new addition to my body- the lines rest in my armpit and my chest is still sore.
Skype with my family is hard-- especially when Eve cries for me and tries to touch or kiss the screen. Breaks. My. Heart.
I know they are fine- just wish they were fine with me there.

Honestly, the waves of sadness are never far away. Yesterday, I let myself cry for a few minutes and then I wrote out a To Do for my day.
- I showered (very hard to do with my new armpit line-- the iv nurse was like, "do you have to shower?" I was like, "I'm here for a month!!! Yes!")
- I read and stitched and listened to inspiring devotionals online.
- I wrote some thank you cards.
- I went virtual shopping and got my girls two new summer outfits each, plus ordered me some new jammies.
- I finally convinced my drs to take out my old, sore IV. They wanted to keep two IVs AND a PICC line in me the whole time I'm here... Blah!! Yay for no more IVs!!
- They gave me a nice Do Not Disturb sign that lets me sleep through the night with no monitoring!!
- They switched my stress tests to weekly!
- They started drawing my CBCs in baby tubes so they aren't sucking out as much blood as they're putting in.
- I started lists where I write down the names of the doctors and the residents and a small description of them so I can remember who I'm talking to each day.
- I wore fun, striped socks.
- And, some friends from church came and spent the afternoon with me! It was so nice of them!! I had Todd buy me a magnadoodle, some play doh, and a bag of lollipops- so it was fun that I had something for my friends little boy to play with.

Yes, it was still a sad day-- but not a bad day.

I'm 29 weeks pregnant!!! Hoping for 5 more weeks!! (my surgery is scheduled for June 6th!! I'll be 39 weeks, 6 days)

It's worth the wait...
Here are some lovely pictures from my day::


  1. I think of you often and a prayer is in my heart for you and your family! You are an inspiration and I thank you for that. Thanks for keeping us updated!

  2. I am sorry you had a sad day. You are so strong, and so very inspirational as a mother, friend and woman in general.

    I hope you get the rest that you need. You're growing a treasure inside of you. :)

  3. tiffany's friend from dallas-still reading! and thinking of you lots and lots!

    I lived in the hospital for three weeks like you before Caroline came at 29 weeks...this post brings back memories...weekends are the very hardest when you are in the hospital. I have no advice for it. It is just hard. But just know I am thinking of you-and I will think of you even harder on Saturdays and Sundays and hope those days are full of even more tender mercies.

    PS-I missed the sacrament the most. Don't hesitate to find the local ward and ask for their priests to bring it to is their duty and I know you will want ALL of your boys to do the same someday, right?! :) All three of them!

  4. Oh boy Jen! I wish I was there so I could come hang out with you and read some Georgette Heyer books together! I think of you often and echo your sentiment. He is worth it.

  5. My heart aches for you. I get restless after about 10 hours in the hospital. I don't dare say hang in there because I don't even know if I could. But I know you will.


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