May 06, 2013

Day 6- Family Time

It was so fun having my family to look forward to!
Kids bring such a fun energy!
They explored my room, picked out and ordered my dinner, made PlayDoh snakes, and ate lots of tootsie roll lollipops.
We made a count-down paper chain-- 32 days till my planned surgery.
Wow- that seems long, doesn't it?!

I am loving our mom n me journals. It is so fun to read and write back after they leave.

Another day closer...


  1. I am so glad you got to spend some time with your kids! I am sure they will always remember and be grateful for your wonderful example.

  2. You amaze me. Your posts are my daily reality check. What an example and insipration you are to me! I'm thinking about you and praying for you (and Todd and the kids, and Bill and Ann) often.

    I really love the picture of your paper chain because of your cute reflection in the window! And the journals on the table too. That picture speaks volumes to me.


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