June 06, 2013

Happy Birthday- 5am

Todd is asleep, sugar saline has been pumping into me overnight.  They will come to wipe me with anesthetic wipes in a few minutes.

I have 5 hard things... I can do 5 hard things!

1.  At 6am I'll go down to labor and delivery for an epidural (not a spinal- oh I hope that epidural works well!)
2. Then to internal radiology for balloon catheters inserted through my groin to my main abdominal arteries (eww).  The doctor in IR is going to help me write a big "thank you" on my belly to surprise the surgeons.  :)
3. To the main OR where anesthesia will insert an arterial line and some big IVs.
4.  Then an Internal Jugular.
5. Around 9am they will start the c-section- and I hope I will see my baby for the first time around 9:15.

Following the c-section they will put me under general anesthesia and continue with the hysterectomy/internal repair.  They hope to be finished around noon.

Hopefully I will be awake until the baby is born.  I really want this day to be a happy, beautiful birthday- even in the midst of the intense situation.  I have much to celebrate!!  My last baby boy is being born today!!

Right now, anesthesia says Todd can't be with me at all.  I'm really, really hoping he can be there for the birth and then follow the baby to the NICU.

5 hard things while I'm awake-- and then coming out of surgery, waking up, getting up for the first time, trying to pump?, and waiting to be well enough to make it to the NICU.  
Yup- this will be a hard day!  But a great day that I will only have to live it once!!  By tomorrow the worst will be in my rear-view mirror.  :)
Right now- I just have 5 things to get through.
I can do this!

Todd will post here on the blog throughout the day.

Thanks for your thoughts and prayers.
The sun is shining!  
It's going to be a great day!!
My last pregnant belly shot ever...
Happy Birthday little man!!!
Today is a gift!!!


  1. Rooting for you, Jenifer! Hoping all goes well. You'll all be in my prayers.

  2. Prayers for you here in North Carolina!!

  3. Prayers from Central California. Thank you for sharing your life story and faith.

  4. YOU CAN DO IT!! You have so many people adding their prayers and faith to yours. And ministering angels seen and unseen attending to you all.

  5. Praying that those five things will be easy. Hoping that the next time I read your blog, You will be reading my comment and holding your son.

  6. It'll be awesome and epic! You'll get through it. Praying for you all!

  7. Good luck today! I'm praying in Oregon.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I'm so excited you got this far. We are praying for you and will be all week.

  10. Lots of prayers and healthy thoughts coming your way! You are strong! You can do this!

    Happy Birthday to your little guy!!

  11. I won't be able to think about anything else all day. Waiting, praying and hoping for great news! Love you!

  12. Can't get you off my mind. Prayers from Florida :)

  13. Love you, friend. Looking at my clock right now and wondering which "step" you're on. :) Praying for you today!

    p.s. when I saw your post on facebook, it looked like it said "Happy Birthday, Sam!" I thought you had decided to name the baby Samuel! :)

  14. Hi Jen... Like many others, my thoughts and prayers are with you today. Blessings, my friend! ❤

  15. Prayers from Arizona!! You are amazing... It's going to be a great day :)

  16. blessings to you! I wish the best for you and can't wait to see your little man!

  17. Lots of prayers from us today as well.

  18. Prayers from Idaho. Hang in there sweet mama.

  19. Jen, Todd, and family, Praying for you all today.

  20. Many prayers for you, Todd, your sweet baby, other children, and the many doctors and hospital staff helping you today.

  21. You and your sweet baby will be in my prayers. Blessings on a good recovery.

  22. Waiting and praying for the surgeons, you, and your baby.

  23. The Guymon family has been praying for you all. Heavenly Father will be with you!

  24. Praying and thinking of you today! You are amazing and wonderful and I can't wait to "meet" this new little boy!!!

  25. Praying for you all day!!

  26. We've been praying for y'all!

  27. Hope baby boy is out safely by now and had gotten to give mommy a kiss and say hi to daddy! Prayers from South Carolina.

  28. Love you guys! I'm crying like a baby at your post. What a journey you have been (and will be) through...you have handled it like a total champ. Thanks for letting us all learn from you. My prayers are with you, Baby Boy, Todd, Dr. Munro, and your other seven miracles today. God bless, Jen!

  29. Prayers for you from Idaho. I put your name in the Boise Temple. Thinking of you....

  30. You have been in my thoughts all week, especially last night and today. I pray all is going well for you and your little man. You, along with your family and medical team are in my prayers. Thank you for your inspiration! :)

  31. You are in our thoughts and prayers!

  32. You are in all of our prayers!

  33. Sending love, peace and healing your way!

  34. What a great way to look at it, five things. You can and you will get through this. Prayers going out for you, your little one and your family.

  35. I keep checking back. It's 12 pm your time and I can't wait to hear that you guys are ok! Praying from Arkansas!!

  36. Still thinking and praying and exercising faith... :)

  37. I've been thinking about you and praying for you all morning!

  38. Thinking of you today from Southern Alberta Canada! Can't wait to hear your baby is here safe and sound. Much love!!

  39. I hope all is well. You have been in my thoughts and prayers all morning.

  40. Thinking of you and praying for you & your family & new baby. (Tiff's friend, Shelly)

  41. Praying for you here in Iowa. Waiting to hear about you and baby!

  42. Prayers and faith from bountiful!! Your name is on the prayer roll at the bountiful temple!

  43. Prayers and faith from bountiful!! Your name is on the prayer roll at the bountiful temple!

  44. Aunt Susan CovingtonJune 6, 2013 at 10:49 PM

    Dearest Jen,
    With all my love, Aunt Susan

    As I sit here introspectively today, I came across a book of poems by Mattie Stepanek that Sandra had given me commemorating my 10 year aniversary of becomeing a registered nurse, in 2002 AT that time,I really believed I'd be going back to work, but as history proved. it didn't work out that way. Instead, I became a professional student, ending up with a Doctorate ABD (All But Dissertation)..That and 4.50 might buy me a latte at Starbucks, (not sure of the price!) What has happened to me in my life since 2002 has been the proverbial "good, bad, and ugly".....HOWEVER, it is inspirational things like the letter that floated out on Sandra's monogrammed letterhead from within the pages of the book, and the heartfelt, touching, loving words that push me on when I am low, and make my heart smile, like today as I re-read her thoughts. Sandra has been a HUGE inspiration to me in these later years as we have "grown" together. Having a siblings 14 and16 years younger that you can be a beautiful thing. It takes work, and in our case, it was the greatest gift my parents ever gave to me. I didn't realize it until this later part of my life.
    Mattie Stepanek wrote the book called "Heartsongs". I share with you a few of his words that meant alot to me, and suggest that you might want to read some of his poems...he was young, disabled and had so much inspiration in his tortured body. I dedicate thisnext part of my post to my neice Jenifer, who will understand what this HEARTSONG, is all about:
    To you, Jen.....
    I have a song, deep in my heart,
    And only I can hear it
    If I close my eyes and sit very still
    Even when the going gets rough.
    It is so easy to listen to my song.
    When my eyes are open and
    I am so busy and moving and busy,
    If I take time and listen very hard,
    I can still hear my Heartsong.
    It makes me feel happy.
    Happier than ever.
    …Do you know what?
    All people have a special song
    Inside their hearts!
    Everyone in the whole wide world
    Has a special Heartsong.
    If you believe in magical, musical hearts,
    And if you believe you can be happy,
    Then you, too, will hear you song.

    Mattie, November 1999

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  45. WOW! Great attitude! Great blessings! :) Way to live!!!! :D


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