June 11, 2013

June 11

6:05 pm

Jen got to feed little Ben today! She is making slow but steady progress.  To keep her lungs strong she gets to blow into a special barometer.  Her next favorite activity is flushing catheters.  So much to enjoy in the trauma ICU.


  1. That snuggle time will help heal leaps and bounds! Way to go Jen! You are my inspiration. Such good news. Still praying every day that things continue to progress positively.

  2. Dear Jen,

    I don't know if you'll remember me, but we met in Lubbock at quilting group and book group. I had two small children and you had several more than that, and I loved watching you interact with your children and everyone else's because I could tell you loved being a mom and loved children. I was having a hard time adjusting to being a mom, and learning from you and other wonderful ladies in Lubbock has made such a difference for me and my children. I've been following your blog and pregnancy, usually in tears because it reminds me of my own high risk pregnancy and birth of my youngest son 2 years ago. He has a congenital heart defect, and I was overwhelmed by the outpouring of love. I literally felt myself sustained by the prayers of family and friends. I just wanted you to know that I'm praying for you, your baby, and your family. Life is such a miracle, and it is a privilege to be part of Heavenly Father's plan for His children, especially when we realize how very complicated it can be. Love, Lorraine (jackandlorraine.blogspot.com)

  3. Oh such sweet pictures. Rest & heal Jen!!!

  4. Can't imagine a more healing time than to be able to hold that baby that you literally sacrificed your life for. What a blessing for you and for him. God bless you as you continue this journey of healing and rest.

  5. So happy for you that you got to hold and cuddle your sweet little Ben today! I hope that today was a really good day. We are keeping you in our thoughts and prayers!

  6. I'm so happy to see more pictures of you with Ben! I'm so glad that they let you hold him and feed him today!

    I hated that stupid barometer thing with a passion but tried to use it dutifully anyway. I'm continuing to pray that your recovery is easy and uneventful!

  7. It makes my heart smile to see Jen hold little Ben. Your story of miracles is truly an inspiration! Thank you for sharing.

  8. Love the new photos. Miss you a ton. Please have Todd let me know if there is anything I can do to help. Karli

  9. Hey Jen and Todd, we share your updates with the kids. We are all praying for you and counting the blessings you are receiving. Since I can't come and visit yet, I thought I'd let you know that we are thinking of you throughout each day. I'm glad you were blessed with a healthy sense of humor. Not that your situation is funny, but you will find the good, and be able to make it through the harder. We love you! The Collyers

  10. Hi Jen... Praying that each day just keeps getting better and better! What beautiful pics today....just heartwarming. You look great!
    "Flushing catheters"... Sounds like blog material to me! :)
    Continuing prayers... ❤

  11. Jen,

    I'm so proud of all you've done and that you're doing for little Benjamin and for the others in your family. I'm sure you're really hurting and trying to recover right now and I wanted you to know you continue to be in our prayers. My kids keep praying "for mommy's friend Jennifer Moss and her baby". I pray for Todd and the rest of your family too. I love you!


  12. Dear Jen,

    It is so nice to see you and Benjamin together. Continued prayers for you and your family.

  13. Alright Jen! There you are, being a great mom to that wonderful boy you fought for! Still praying for you!

  14. I love this!!!! Such a beautiful and healing time for BOTH of you. So happy for you guys! :D

  15. It is so wonderful to see them together!

  16. What a sweet blessing! So good to see you doing a little better each day! We are still praying for you and for all of your sweet family!


  17. all the angels i imagined in your room are giving each other high fives :)

  18. I found you through a prayer request on FB by Chocolate on My Cranium.

    Congratulations! Ben is beautiful!

    May God continue to bless you with the spirit of love and power and a sound mind! (2 Timothy 1:7)May he bless you with a speedy recovery and patience in the process. May he continue to strengthen and uphold Todd as he offers support to you and the children. May a spirit of peace and comfort prevail with the whole family!

    Hugs and prayers from Minnesota!

  19. Darling pictures! And Jen- you look are already looking great! What a lucky little boy you have!

  20. Love the pictures and updates. So happy to see you doing well. I bet little Ben is so happy to be snuggling up to Mom. You got your boy!!!! Just what you wanted! Stay strong and feast in God's grace and love.

  21. Yay! You're doing it! So inspired by your determination and endurance. Congrats on a beautiful baby! Sending love and hope for a full and quick recovery.


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