June 08, 2013

June 8

4:45 pm

Today just got better...

And thanks to Jen's cousin Kaela for her update!  

11:00 am

Jen' surgery was a success!  They are not planning on doing more.  Now it's just recovery.  And little Ben will get to visit Mom in the ICU once she has rested a bit.  Today couldn't get any better!


  1. Some of the most wonderful news! Recovery prayers now coming your way :) !!

  2. So happy to hear!! Continued faith and prayers for your sweet family.

  3. How wonderful. Prayers of gratitude being said!

  4. yay! we will pray for a smooth recovery. can't wait for mom & baby to be together...where they belong!!

  5. I'm so grateful for this miracle. It's what we've all been praying for! Now our prayers and fasting will shift to Jen's quick and thorough recovery, and health for her and little Benjamin. Todd, thank you for the updates. You're one tough couple!


  6. Such good news! Enjoy this time.

  7. Thank you for sharing this fantastic news! I'm will continue to keep you all in my prayers.

    Kristin in Houston

  8. Great news! Ben is so adorable and you look so happy holding him. xoxo b.

  9. Best News Ever! The day WILL get even better, Todd... When Jen gets to see little Ben again! I am so happy for you all... ❤
    Thank heavens for all your prayer warriors, right? Quite the team y'all have... Blessings and prayers for a quick recovery, Jen! ❤

  10. Hooray!! So glad to hear the news. You little guy is darling.

  11. Wonderful news!! So glad to hear she is out of surgery. Love the picture of you holding Benjamin! (Tiffany's friend, Shelly)

  12. Hip, hip, hooray!!! I love happy endings. Congratulations on a beautiful baby boy. Off to say a prayer of gratitude and continued prayers for Jen's and Ben's recovery to full health.

  13. Congratulations! I'm so thrilled to hear that everything went well and I'm praying for all of you!
    Kassidi from California

  14. Yay! Yay! Yay! Congratulations! Happy Day!

  15. What a blessing!!! I have been thinking of you guys constantly since Thursday. So relieved and grateful to know all is well and Jen and Baby Ben are ok. What a miracle!!! Hooray!!!! :) Jen--hang in there! You're amazing...our prayers are still with you as you recover!

  16. What a blessing!!! I have been thinking of you guys constantly since Thursday. So relieved and grateful to know all is well and Jen and Baby Ben are ok. What a miracle!!! Hooray!!!! :) Jen--hang in there! You're amazing...our prayers are still with you as you recover!

  17. WOW YAY what a beautiful picture.

  18. I LOVE the pic of Jen & Ben. *sigh* Today DID just get better!

  19. Continued love and prayers! So happy for your miracles big and small.

  20. Great news! Beautiful baby! I had the opportunity to serve in the nauvoo temple today and put your family on the prayer roll :)

  21. SO grateful Jen is done with this part.
    Little Ben is beautiful.
    Praying hard and strong for continued miracles and steady improvement.

  22. the perfect way to end my day.... knowing jen got to hold her baby boy...or is it knowing that a special little boy got to be in the presence of the most incredible person EVER????
    either way-it is an amazing story-thanks for sharing it. You have big fans!!!!

    (Tiffany's friend!)

  23. Hello gorgeous! So happy to "see" you!

  24. So happy for you. More prayers coming your way. Your last few posts have made me cry.

  25. So Happy for you and your family! Congratulations!

  26. Congratulations! Wishing you a speedy recovery. We'll keep you in our prayers.

  27. have been a silent reader all the way over here in Scotland for sometime now and just wanted to say how truly inspiring the whole family is. Congrats on the birth of baby ben and praying for a speedy recovery for Jen xx

  28. What a great picture of a reunited Jen and Ben...the pair of birds on the receiving blanket say it all! Continued prayers for speedy healing and recovery. You are truly an inspiration! Much love from Florida :)

  29. I'm so grateful to see Jen has made it this far! It brings tears to my eyes to see her hold her sweet Ben! We will keep praying for a smooth recovery for her. She is such an inspiration and wonderful example!

  30. I have been a long time reader and have yet to comment. I want you to know how much I admire you and look up to you. You and your family are in my prayers. Love from Utah (and a fellow mom of a large family).

  31. Hi Jen, wow what a story, you are such a trooper and I sincerely wish you the best with your recovery. I had complete placenta previa with my 2nd bubba who is now 9 months old (I had suspected percreta but didn't end up but did have a hysterectomy), so I get a little of what you are going through, sending you lots of love and positive thoughts xx


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