August 22, 2013

Just a few...

Today is beautiful!!
I love Oregon weather.

My MIL reminded me that it is good to be sad to leave- it means you have loved.
Yes, we have loved many here in Oregon.

My baby boy is huge.  He's a chunker.  I love chunky babies!!  When he spits up, I have to be sure and wipe out his neck rolls.

Near-death experiences seem to change your soul.  Todd and I were tight before, but we are ONE now.  How I love that man.

Todd is always telling me to let him take care of me.  He says, "Just let me do this for you". This usually proceeds his insistence that I drink more or eat more or take a nap or ride in a wheel chair.  He has arranged for me to talk in church from a chair and wants the airport to taxi me in a car from gate to gate.  I love him but I hate feeling weak and sick.  (He said he would also sit to give his talk if I wanted him to).  So, if you see me being wheeled around the store or airport, just know, I'm doing it for my husband.  I do really like that overprotective guy, and i try to give him a break because he's been through a lot lately.  :)

Anna threw up yesterday, a lot.  Poor girl.  I didn't even touch her as she was throwing up- just directed efforts as I kept my distance.
Ellie said she feels sick.  
Do you know how fast these things can spread through large families?
Lets get this all out before the plane next week...  
I know I'm weird, but as I sat watching Anna puke her little insides out I just was shaking my head smiling a bit.  It was like God was saying, "Quit complaining Jen, things CAN get worse."  
Can you imagine? Me in a wheel chair followed by my eight sick kids boarding the plane...
I'm done complaining and still laughing a bit.  (I think God knows I have a warped sense of humor.)

Even in the midst of my crazy life, my kids are so happy.  I am blessed!  They really are easy, smiley kids.

Massive probiotics are helping slow down my bowels!  I'm completely off dairy products.  They think I'm dehydrated so I'm trying to drink a small pond daily.

I reached my ever looming "goal weight".  My skinny clothes are baggy.  Good and bad.

Did I tell you that I need all new immunizations?  Because I lost all my blood, like twenty times.  Really, I'm a strong black man housed in a frail white girl body.  Just saying.

We move in exactly one week-- I can't wait to meet our new home.

I read a funny Fox News article about a man on a plane getting sued for indecent exposure... He said he had a headache so he put peppermint oil on his head, then on the plane he went to the bathroom and peppermint oil got other places.  When he sat down he was stinging so much he had to unbutton his pants.  Ha!  Don't know why I thought that story was so funny?! 

Today is going to be a good day.

My goals-
Finish meal and baby gift Thank You cards.
Walk up the driveway.
Read two talks on Prayer.
Eat and drink.
Give Ben a bath.
Start finding scout pictures of Jakob for a PowerPoint/picture banner.

Little girls are spending the morning with sweet friends.
Ben has shots this afternoon and we have a house showing.

Boy, that seems like a lot.

I also need a cute swimsuit-- our new house has a pool.  Any ideas?

Breathe deeply!
It is so good to be alive!


  1. Great post, Jen! Love the little glimpses into your days...
    It warmed my heart to hear you say that you can't wait to meet your new home! You ARE getting by day! I just know that a new, healthy life is waiting for you!!!

  2. That is a busy day! Divinita Soul has darling swim suits. A little pricey but worth it if you use it for a few years.

  3. I love the land's end swimsuits. Modest, stylish and they stay put. How wonderful that you are looking forward to swimming. I just wanted to tell you how much I love your blog and how inspiring your faith is. I'm not mormon nor that religious, but I just love hearing about your family and your deep spiritual beliefs. They give me hope and peace.

  4. Like Beth, I look forward to reading your blog. Thank you for sharing your feelings and frustrations. Your example in trials has inspired me to be better, to look for the humor in trials, to look for the simple blessings that often get overlooked. I will miss watching your family on Sundays and at other ward events. Knowing your blog will be there to read will help make me feel your family is not so far away. I will look forward to reading all about seeing your new house for the first time, your first swim in your pool, how your children are adjusting to their new schools, and hopefully about how wonderful your new ward is, and how they just took you in and loved you like we have.

  5. And you can buy a cute "skinny" suit! :)

  6. Best of luck on your move! It sounds nice and it sounds like you are getting better day by day, we should be moving by the end of the year and it will be the first time I am not sick and pregnant or pregnant and too large to help, I'm looking forward to that. I really don't know what it's like to be helpful in a move, but I do know the frustration of being unable to be useful, you are blessed to have such good support and to be surrounded by people who love you. Take care, thanks for sharing and I wish you the best!


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