September 02, 2013


Guess what I did today?

I cooked dinner,
almost by myself, 
at my aunt's house.

It was the first dinner I have made in almost eight months!!
(Best ever BBQ chicken salad from
I felt normal-ish and it was so good!

It's coming...
LIFE is good!!


  1. This post made me smile :)
    I heard Eve as I was listening to the messages on my answering machine. That made me smile too.

    Miss you!

  2. Thats great news! Normail-ish is one step closer to normal. Keep fighting for it. It will come. So proud of you!

  3. Go Jen! Cooking for our families - what most women consider a mundane task - is a beautiful thing. Thanks for helping us keep that perspective.

  4. Yay! I'm so happy for you. I so look forward to having my kitchen fully back under my control and being able to prepare healthy healing meals for my family. Jumping for joy for you (on the inside) :)

  5. Whoo Hoo, Jen! So happy for you!!! Normal-ish is a wonderful thing! ❤

  6. Hi Jenifer! Just dropping by to say hi. I have had a busy summer but I have thinking about you and your family a lot! How did your move go? Hope all is well =)

    Miss you! xoxo

    -Adrienne G., night nurse from OHSU

  7. Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! Happy day, Jen! I'm so glad you are there now, and pray your house closes quickly. What a magical time to be in upstate ny! The Sacred Grove in September & October is amazing. I hope the magic of normalcy comes your way soon. I want to send you a bouquet of freshly sharpened pencils to celebrate all of your firsts this month! Many hugs & prayers, sweet friend. Love from the Nelsons!
    Ashley & Spencer & kiddos

  8. Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! Happy day, Jen! I'm so glad you are there now, and pray your house closes quickly. What a magical time to be in upstate ny! The Sacred Grove in September & October is amazing. I hope the magic of normalcy comes your way soon. I want to send you a bouquet of freshly sharpened pencils to celebrate all of your firsts this month! Many hugs & prayers, sweet friend. Love from the Nelsons!
    Ashley & Spencer & kiddos

  9. Awesome Jennifer. I'm glad to hear it :)
    Btw thanks for your answer to my August 30th reply. Am now 23 weeks :) and just got out of the hospital after a bleeding scare. We are thankfully all well right now


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