September 17, 2013

Schedules and Stuff


I have a lot of stuff.
And, I have a lot of kids.

Moving is busy... I think we've figured out a spot for all the books and then we find another box.
We have a lot of books and shoes and clothes and art supplies and blankets and... Stuff.

Resuming life is grand.
Baby Benny, as Eve calls him, is giggling.
He is a darling, patient, funny little guy.
He feels more and more mine as I become more and more full time in his life.  

My kids are beginning to thaw.
Boy, I can feel everyone's tension has been tight and on edge.  As peace, security and routine returns, I can feel my children settling in.  I've missed them and they need me.

All is well here.
I still have angel in-laws and my mom here unpacking and cooking and caring for me.  What a blessing.
I still have lots of appointments as I continue to heal.

Todd was called into the Bishopric in our new ward, last Sunday.  This means he will be spending more time serving at church.  I feel so grateful that God thinks I can handle him being gone more... I know I will be strengthened as Todd serves.  And, I'm excited to feel the enabling power of grace working in our lives.  Heal on little body of mine!!

Every day I'm grateful to be alive and doing just what I want to be doing.
I feel honored to be a wife and mother.
Life is good.
(We get Internet installed today.  Pictures coming soon.)


  1. As I read that Todd had been put in the bishopric I thought to myself...that's just what she needs *sarcasm* to read your perspective is amazing. You're grateful that God feels you can handle it! You are truly amazing Jenifer! Bless you!

  2. You, my friend, are a good woman. And God does bless us so much when we serve.

  3. Tears of happiness for you, Jen. Your whole family must feel like they have been pulled through a knot-hole belly button first these past months... So happy and thankful y'all are able to relax and get to know your new home!
    You, my friend, are aMaZiNg!!! ❤

  4. Coming from one whose husband is the bishop - the first thing he looked at in deciding who to call as counselors was the wife of those he was thinking about. Are they supportive? Are they stalwart? Will they be honest when he asks if it is too much at times? I'm guessing the same thing happened there. :)

    Glad everyone is getting settled and life is starting to resume a somewhat state of "normal." You are amazing, Jen!

  5. posted once that you wanted to sit on the bench and manage all of the kids by yourself :)

    to which I think I said be careful what you wish for!

    Somehow I think you will handle it with flying colors!

    Congrats on getting back to normal...I still think about that all of the time...can you give an update on your health for those that truly know you and those that pretend to know you?! I am super curious about your scar, your bladder and if you are walking without a walker and can do stairs.

  6. Wow I guess that ward really needed you guys. Good luck getting settled and give Eve a hug for me:)

  7. I love your insights and testimony! Thank you for being so willing to share with all of us!

  8. So happy that routine is returning and I can just feel stress and worry being replaced by happiness and joy.

    There will be things about Todd in the Bishopric that you and your family will treasure. I always loved hearing my husbands testimony and other experiences or insights that he would share on Fast Sundays or other times when he was conducting.

    Prayers continue for your family from way over here....:)

  9. Hurray for life getting "normal" again! Your new house is beautiful. It is exactly what I dream for us someday. You've got this girl. What a blessing to have Todd in the Bishopric. You will feel the prayers , support and love from ward members. And even more than that, the love and sustaining from the Lord. He will be there for you when Todd cant be. Im so glad things are falling into place and routines are coming back. I hope things are healing nicely now and that you are able to rest. Keep smiling!

  10. I knew it was only a matter of time. The church needs you guys out there. Before your surgery I remember you saying that you have been blessed to have Todd around to help with life, and that you were ready for him to serve others. Tell him congrats from the Collyers. We sure miss you guys. I never got to see Ben before you left. Crazy times. Glad you blog. At least I can keep tabs on how you are healing, and the excitement your family brings.
    Mia is walking like a pro. Oh how I love this age, actually Amy age that let's me sleep more than not. Later.

  11. I knew it was only a matter of time. The church needs you guys out there. Before your surgery I remember you saying that you have been blessed to have Todd around to help with life, and that you were ready for him to serve others. Tell him congrats from the Collyers. We sure miss you guys. I never got to see Ben before you left. Crazy times. Glad you blog. At least I can keep tabs on how you are healing, and the excitement your family brings.
    Mia is walking like a pro. Oh how I love this age, actually Amy age that let's me sleep more than not. Later.


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