October 04, 2013


Can I tell you how much I love having a yard?!!!
I love watching my kids and my husband working hard outside.
Better than video games and man-made playgrounds...
(Little Eve is potty training... I love her pant-less romp through the leaves.)
Life is beautiful!!


  1. Extremely jealous of your gorgeous yard!!!

  2. Your yard looks like a little piece of heaven right here on earth. Thank you so much for sharing these photos. I will come back to your backyard photo time and time again when I need a reminder of the beauty that exists in the world if I only just open my eyes.

    I hope you are feeling better and better with each passing day. I look forward to your posts, and am glad to see that you have had the ability to write a couple entries lately.

  3. That is the most beautiful yard ever! How wonderful!

  4. Great garden. That looks like so much work though. Glad you have such a big family to help with that

  5. OOOOH! Wonderful! I will love every picture you post of your yard, just so you know.


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