October 22, 2013


My hair is falling out.
It's really gross.
Someone asked me if I had cancer.
I said, "I hope not."

We bought this little sucker thing-- and I love it.
It is a Black&Decker DustBuster 15.6v.
I use it daily to vacuum up my master bathroom.  It also works great to vacuum around the high chair and it's easy for the rugs in the car.
Love it.

Ben and Eve sit near me as I dress in the morning.  Before I turn on my little vacuum, I make the vacuum noise with my mouth so they aren't scared.  Today I smiled-- Eve backed out of the bathroom saying she was scared and Ben smiled big making his own growling noise.  Oh, little boys!

Guess what else?  This morning I was standing by the changing table getting Ben dressed for the day.  He thinks getting dressed is hilarious and giggles the whole time.  I realized that I can actually stand still long enough to dress him.  (Standing still was actually the most painful for me- I could walk or sit, but not stand.). I used to have to sit by him on the bed to dress him.  

It is so easy to see everything that I still can't do.  I'm grateful today for one more thing I can do.

Want to know something else?  Eve is really amazing at potty training.  She's still only two, but has trained easily and happily.  

Anna and Ellie were both auditioning for their school play.  (Poor Anna was so sick on the day of auditions.) I have loved hearing them singing Annie's "Tomorrow" in their cutest voices.  

Drew decided not to do football this year, but he is a superstar helper in the yard.  He is always volunteering to blow leaves, rake, and especially MOW.  Todd let him mow some straight fields... I might never get the mower back.  

Drew is also learning to play so many hymns on the piano.  We did offer $5 for every hymn he could play well enough to accompany singing.  He's been playing for our scripture time since then.  :). This could get expensive.  (We haven't gotten them signed up for lessons yet... So it's still cheaper than lessons.)

Jakob is just a sweet boy and great help.  He is really darling with Ben and Eve.  I love the young man he is becoming.

Leah and Lily are joyful.  They sing and dance and tell me all about their friends at school and who they sit by on the bus home. Lily brings home her friend Gracie's school work everyday.  When I tell her she needs to give it back, she insists, "No Mom, Gracie gave that paper to me."

I LOVE being a mom.
What a great blessing it is to be alive and able to raise my children.
Today I am going to FOLD MY LAUNDRY!!
What a ridiculously hum drum, glorious way to spend my day...


  1. Perhaps the hair loss is coming from some of the meds you are on. Check the side effects. I'm sorry you have to deal with so much. Your family is beautiful and I admire you so much for trying so hard to be a loving mom under such trying circumstances. If I were nearby I would bring you a few nourishing meals and some treats.

  2. Didn't mean to scare anyone with the hair loss. (I've gotten a few messages and concerned calls.) I always loose hair after I have a baby. Don't you? I think it's a combo of stress and hormones. Definitely more drastic this time- but I'm pretty sure it's normal under the circumstances. Thanks for being concerned! And, even though I'm loosing a lot, I still have a lot. :)


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