November 13, 2013


I only have a minute.
I'm feeling energetic to clean and head to library story time and maybe venture to BJs for a Thanksgiving shop.
We'll see...

I woke up at 5-ish this morning.  
I usually roll out of bed a few minutes before 6:30.
We have scripture time together at 6:30.
I'm usually trying to dress the younger girls (we pick clothes out the night before and lay them in the hallway so we don't wake Eve) and hurry them downstairs while Todd starts the older kids singing.
This morning I woke up early.
I lit the fire.
I studied my scriptures and prayed for each of my children individually.
I felt heaven near.
AND then, while my head was filled with sweet parenting inspiration, I spent 30 minutes stitching on my cross-stitch sampler.
That might not sound amazing to you, but it was.
I've been trying to figure out a way to stitch since I've been home.
My answer- wake up earlier.  I am not a morning person, but this morning was nice.
(I do nap in the afternoons!)

That isn't what I was going to talk to you about.
Here's an idea that worked well when I had my kids home for Veteran's Day.

Have your kids write their own job list!
We were having friends over that night.  I wanted my kids to spend the day doing good things but I didn't have the energy to come up with a great plan for each of them.

So, I told them each to write a list of things they were going to do that day and get it approved by me.
I encouraged them to have a balance between fun and work.
Their lists were darling.
They helped the younger kids write their lists and they spent their day doing good things.

Their lists were not what I would have chosen.  I loved how invested each kid was in his/her own list.
It was a bit messy.
Leah chose to organize the garage.  That was a job I never would have given her.  She did really, really great!
See the cute names she taped above each hook...

Anyway, hope your day is great!
Life is good.


  1. I'm so glad you have energy right now!! You are in my prayers regularly.

    1. Thank you!!! I know! It feels so good to feel good! Prayer works... Thank you for thinking of me.

  2. Can't believe how early you get up. I like how it does give you time for prayers and scripture reading. Might be something I should start once I get out of the hospital ( plenty of quiet and reading time here)
    My almost favorite is the idea of a nice fire going in the morning :)

    1. How are you doing??! Hang in there!!

    2. I'm
      Hanging in there. Had my 32 week ultrasound yesterday. Baby girl looks good. Placenta still in my bladder. About 3 more weeks and I get to meet my girl.
      Little blog I have. Nothing like yours. Wish I had your writing skills


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