December 05, 2013


(Note- I have a tree in the front of my house with red berries.  All fall I wondered who would ever plant a tree in their yard that has messy, red berries.  Kids step on them and track them inside the house, they try to eat them, they make "jam" with them.  Blah.  I learned that this tree was called 'Winter berry'.  Once the weather got cold, I understood why someone would plant this tree.  It is BEAUTIFUL.  The red against the snow is lovely.  I have a feeling I will LOVE this tree all winter long and not love it all Fall and Spring.)

we LOVE snow.


  1. Love it. Looks so freezing. I got 4 more days. Wednesday is the big day
    Would love to be friends with you on Facebook. Can't find you. Tine Suldinger is me 😄


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