January 02, 2014


Eve loves to sing the "Over in the Meadow" book before nap-time.
I love it also.
{yes, I receive sweet inspiration from children's stories.}

I love that on every page a mother is teaching her children--
Hop said the mother.
We hop said the one
So they hopped all day in the sand and the sun.

My favorite page is, of course, the family with eight children.  {I feel everything about this page was symbolic to me, the crafting mother, the MOSSy gate, the rail fence, and eight.}

Over in the meadow
By the old MOSSy gate
Lived an old mother lizard
And her little lizards eight.

Bask said the mother
We bask said the eight
So they basked all day
By the old mossy gate.

2014 word of the year for me and mine-- BASK!

As I bask, they will bask with me.
And, this feels like a good year to enjoy mossy gates and sunshine.
We all need to bask more.

Our book is a cute little golden book called Over in the Meadow, by Lilian Obligado.  It is one of my favorites!


  1. You always remind me how good God is to us and the tender mercies He gives us. Its amazing to me that God has such a huge plan for you to be such a miraculous strength, example and comforter for so many people. GOD BLESS.

  2. Love it. Which author/publisher is this rendition?

    1. I edited the post to show you our book-- it's darling.


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