February 05, 2014

Jake's Pake.

-15 pancakes for breakfast
-Burger King for lunch.
-Heart Attacked locker (with candy inside)
-Fruit-filled crepes for dinner (with bacon and OJ).
-Mom-made old fashion cake with boiled white icing (a bit messy, but fun)
-Happy Birthday with trumpet and clarinet accompaniment 
-New leash, poop bags, and fleece jacket for Rocco from Aunt Carol.
-New ski coat, hat, goggles and lift tickets from mom and dad.
-Ordered a ski helmet from Grandma and Grandpa Moss (ordered on Amazon).
-And-- one week at EFY- Palmyra.  (We just happened to get the last spot.)
-No dish duty!!

Favorite things about Jakob from the family...
Eve- "When I say 'stop' he puts me down."  And, holding a pancake, "I love your pake, Jake."  (Love how she still calls cake pake.)
Lily- "He always helps me pour my cereal."
Leah- "He is good at teaching me to train dogs."
Ellie- "He teaches me good tricks, like how to find pencils by staying after class and looking on the floor."
Anna- "He is always nice to me (even if I'm not so nice to him)."
Drew- "I love playing games with him."
Mom- "He's very quick to apologize and have a soft heart."
Dad- "He's so willing to help out.  I'm not sure we could do it without him."

That's a wrap.
We really love our #1.
One year till 16... 
Slow down little grasshopper! 
Look at that beauty...
Life is good!

1 comment:

  1. happy birthday Jake, would love your recipe for the icing. Looks so good, I will bake a very special cake for WHEN my son heals and recovers from this nasty bug. Still in ICU, Still intubated. Its a wait and see type of situation, day by day, hour by hour. Don't have to tell you anymore, do I? xoxox grandma Donna


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