March 31, 2014

37. It's my birthday.

I don't like when people hear it's my birthday and say, "How old are you? 29 again."
Um, no thank you.
I'm proud to be 37 and I wouldn't repeat 29 if I could.
I think 37 sounds restful and wise and boring.
I think I'm going to like 37.

I'm emotional this year.
I'm REALLY glad I'm seeing 37.
36 was a tough one.
I still imagine my little ones celebrating today without me here, and it rips my heart out.

So, I feel privileged to blow out candles and I get teary when people sing to me.
I think birthdays are miraculous and I'll never, ever complain about getting old.  Because old is what I want to be when I grow up.

I have gobs of doctor appointments today.  I'm hoping to turn a year older and loose a drain and a catheter.  But, if not-- I'd rather be 37 with a catheter than eternally 36 without one.

I don't have anything profound to say.  
Looking around at my life, it is not quite what I imagined it would be at 37.

We still have too many student loans.
We drive a van.
Our furniture is very used.
Our kitchen table is too small for our family.
I still buy my clothes from Target clearance racks.
I'm old, but I feel 14.
I often look at my family and think- "Wow, we have a lot of kids."
My house is never as clean as I wish it was, my kids are never as well-mannered as I know they could be.

I have a patience with life that I always admired but never understood.
I am married to my absolute best friend in the world.
I'm completely impressed at the people my children are growing up to be.
I really like people.
I think I know God.  
I'm not easily worried or stressed.
I'm a hard worker.
I laugh every day.
I'm loved and I love many.
I really like my life.

At 37, I'm living my dream.
This is my happily ever after.
It is way better than I ever imagined it could be, and exponentially harder than I ever imagined it would be.

Today is a great day to be alive.
I wish for 37, 57, even 87.
I want to be old and grey.
Because, I really like this life.
I really like the people I get to share my life with.
Thank you for celebrating 37 with me.
It's going to be a good one!


  1. Happy birthday! So glad you are here to celebrate it and recovering!

  2. So happy for you. I feel happy and grateful for every day/year the Good Lord see fit to give me!

    I hope you had a fabulous day!

    Love, hugs and prayers, Pam

  3. Happy Birthday! Hope all good things come your way this year.

  4. Happy birthday to an amazing 37-year-old. You have always inspired me to be better!

  5. Happy, Happy Birthday, Jen! We are all celebrating your special day...❤️
    What a glorious birthday gift it will be if you get to lose all your "accessories" and return to "indoor plumbing"! 😆
    I truly believe it is no coincidence that the two strongest and most influential women in my life (you and my mom) have birthdays so close together... Just sayin'.
    Have a beautiful day! ❤️

  6. Happy Birthday to an AWESOME 37 year old!!!

  7. Thank you, thank you, thank you! This is how I feel about being 37, too. 38 is coming up for me, and I think it's going to be a little harder... :)

  8. Hope it was a good one! Your husband's post was very sweet.

  9. favorite part:
    "Because old is what I want to be when I grow up."

    Happy Birthday, Jen.
    I love you!!


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