April 08, 2014

Conferencing #ldsconf

We had cousins while we watched inspired speakers this weekend.
I loved the gentle chaos, the copious note taking, constant dress-up, and the feeling that my house was full.
Just last week, I looked at my kitchen table and realized my little kids are big.  I think I'm officially a mom of teens and toddlers.  
I really like having both.  They're so fun to watch together.

(The dog always sneaks my water...)
Haha- this is what I really look like...
This is what I look like on narcotic pain meds, posing for a picture.
This is the happy meal toy that we lost and found 20 times this weekend.
Life is good!
Ps- I'm on Instagram now... @mossmoments 


  1. Jenifer, I LOVE reading your blog. You uplift me every time. :D

    I'm kinda slow about Instagram, though, and I'd really like to follow you. I've logged into my account, but I can never figure out how to add someone. Are you smarter than me about it (I hope)?

    My user name is susanne3n.

  2. And I forgot to mark that I'd like to have followup comments emailed to me, so here's another post so I can do that. LOL

  3. And I forgot to mark that I'd like to have followup comments emailed to me, so here's another post so I can do that. LOL

  4. susanne- I started following you on Instagram. If you look in your history (The quote bubble with a heart in it, under news.) You should see that mossmoments started following you. If you click on mossmoments there should be a blue bar that says Follow you can click and follow me back.

    Honestly, I'm sure there is an easier way to do this, but I am a social media first grader.

  5. Yay! I figured it out. :D Thanks!


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