May 29, 2014

Ending School.

Jakob took art this year and has really impressed me!
He was awarded the student of excellence in art.
(Actually, in Art, Spanish, Science and Spanish II- isn't he something?  He was embarrassed and surprised.)
My kids all are better than I ever was- at most things.
I love that.
Drew just gave the best 5 minute speech on Earnest Hemmingway.  This kid knows all about Mr Hemmingway.  I kept finding him practicing to himself.  He had a 5 minute plan- with an extra minute of stuff to say if he talked too fast.
I'm so impressed by his diligence.

Ellie helped me out with Ben last night as we sat (for hours) watching high school band and choir concerts.  Ellie is amazing with Ben.  I love watching her and knowing what a cute mom she'll be some day.

I could go on and on.  
My silly kids really are quite adorable.

(Lest you think my life is all rosey-- Eve was awful at the concert.  It was way past her bedtime and she may or may not have run from me up the aisle and out into the crowd of people around the hallway.  Little stink.  I was by myself with my 5 youngest and I actually left the concert and drove them home, put them to bed, and got back before Jakob went on stage.  L-O-N-G concert.)

I love my kids and they love me too--
Want to see?
I love you guys-- thanks for reading this braggy blog of mine.
I wish there are 100 of you, too!
Life is good!

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