May 16, 2014

Syracuse Farmer's Market

Went with a friend yesterday to Syracuse Farmer's Market.
I don't know.
I'm confused at how some stands were selling mangos, peaches, fresh veggies, etc... I suppose they're imported from Mexico.
My favorite stands were just selling rhubarb.  Because NO local farmers are harvesting mangos this month.
Food is interesting to me.
I just don't know.
There were lovely flowers for sale.
I bought some hanging baskets for my porch- $9 each.
And-- I bought my whole garden for $1 a section of 6 plants.  
Isn't that great??
Oh my- tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, yellow beans, kale and lettuce, squash, watermelon, basil, even an artichoke plant!

Baby plants make me happy!
See my trunk?
A whole garden full of plants for $23.
Pretty good- even if I am just feeding the deer.

Life is beautiful!!

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