January 06, 2015

A New Year

Ben did much better getting his stitches out than he did getting them put in.

I love this kid.

Exercise is great!
I'm only two days in and I already know I need this.

::On making resolutions::
Yes, I know that there isn't a huge difference between December 31, 2013 and January 1, 2015.  But, I just love the hope that a new year brings.  I've said before, every single finish line is fake in the scheme of eternity, but isn't the idea that we can be symbolically born again so inspiring?!  I needed a finish line for 2014.

I love putting 2014 in a last year package and feeling the blank canvas of 2015.  I wholeheartedly embrace making resolutions you may never keep.  Trying and failing is better than not trying at all!

Oh- the possibilities.  For some reason, I am so invigorated by the thought of 2015.  This is going to be a great year!

::On eating healthier::
I have intense intestinal issues.  I actually paid $30 to download a book about eating and I never do that.   I'm SO critical of expensive, trendy, exclusive health fads.  I really love this program.  https://diverticulitispainfreefoods.com  It focuses more on food combinations than on food exclusions.  Mainly, eat protein with vegetables or starches with vegetables, not protein with starches.  Don't drink while you're eating.  Acid/Alkaline.  Things like that.  I love the tea I ordered off this website.  It just soothes my stomach at the end of the day.  Just thought I'd share.

::New Chores::
We're switching things up.
For years we have done the rotating wheel.  Each kid had one week of loading, clearing, setting the table, or unloading.  We've switched to a set daily schedule.  The bigger kids load two days per week, the little kids one day.  Every Monday and Tuesday Jakob does dishes, etc..  We'll see how this goes.

I have always done all of our laundry on Wednesdays.  The whole family, one day.  Done.  I love this.

This week I decided to try days.
Monday I wash Todd, Ben's and my laundry.
Tuesdays the boys do theirs.
Wednesday little girls.
Thursday big girls.

We're trying to have the big kids learn to wash their own duds.
I'm kindof excited.
We'll see.

::Scripture Time!::
Early morning seminary 30 minutes away, really messed up our morning devotional time.
We're trying to squeeze it in between 7 and 7:30 am.  We decided to have an official sit-down breakfast and read scriptures during breakfast.  
Our mornings were crazy without scripture time.  They are SO much better with more to do.  SO much better.

The same goes for piano practicing. We've taken a break from piano and oh how I miss the structure of daily practice!!  It is easier to have structure in your day!

::Being involved::
I half-heartedly agreed to help the 6th graders raise money for a graduation party.  It has been SO fun being involved up at the school and getting to know the people in our community.

I'm picky about what I volunteer for.  This year I've helped with School Spirit Shirts, I'm co-organizing a Tully Cookbook, I'm sewing a tin man costume for the musical, and I'm helping with sets.  

I love being involved with my kids' school.  People are good.  So often, I find I'm more productive when I have more to do.  I'm a better mom when I'm engaged than I am when I'm timid and insecure.

Wish me luck figuring out a cool yellow brick road!!  Soo fun.

::Christmas Cards::
For the past three years I have purchased Christmas cards and never sent them.  It is more than just time, it's pride.  I know I can create some great card and it just hasn't been on the top of my list.  I also LOVE people I'm sending cards to SO much that every year I have grand plans to write sweet, heartfelt messages to everyone on my list.  Does not happen.  I still have "write and mail Christmas cards" on my daily To Do list.  Please don't judge me if you get my very ordinary 2014 card in March.  ;)

::Jen's 423rd 2015 New Year's Resolution::
Use a camera!!!  Oh, the ease of an IPhone has ruined me.

::Friday Fun Day::
Part of our purposeful 2015 has been to plan our Fridays again.  
We started out the first Friday with a trip to the temple with friends, mom and dad friend night while the kids babysit.
The 2nd Friday is a girls friend night.
The third Friday is a boys friend night.
The 4th Friday is a family night.
It has been fun planning our little parties.
We'll see how this goes!

How are you?!
I know blogs are so 2000.
I'm not sure anyone reads this blog of mine anymore, but I'm still here.
I love the blog format.
Life is so good.
Especially the first week of the year when I'm 2 for 2 in my goal to exercise daily.

Are you ENGAGED in your life?
It feels SO good.


  1. I read your blog.

    I don't usually comment because we don't know each other, and sometimes it is weird to get to know someone via a blog. :)

    But your final lines made me realize that perhaps you'd like to know that someone is out there, benefitting from your sweet, wry, funny, joyful perspective on life.

  2. I read, and I love it. I always find something to think about after reading!

  3. I check your blog daily and love to read your thoughts and ramblings. :)

  4. Everyday, Jen. ❤️ You are amazing!

    P.S. My cards are still on my desk as well..... Ha!

  5. I love blogs too! Even if it is old school. It is the only way that I am motivated to write about our life. I just printed a few years of our blog into a book yesterday and I can't wait to get them in the mail! Good luck with your goals, hope they go well. Last year I tried to set lots of elaborate goals and only fulfilled less then half of them. So this year I set two simple goals. 1. Read the whole Book of Mormon (again) and 2. Let my kids watch less TV.

  6. I read daily and have been since you were in Lubbock. ;-)

  7. Maybe some trapped emotions in that digestive track? Thank you for your blog!!

  8. Still reading it too 😄 and loving you and your clan


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