February 10, 2015

The Not So Cowardly Lion

The cutest Dorothy!
(Anna helped out on the stage crew.)
(Her choreography was darling!)
(The poppy field was magical.)
(Oz was my favorite!)

Please excuse my lame phone pictures-- a friend did snap some better pictures for me.

Ellie was funny and animated, she sang two or three solo songs and did a beautiful job.  It was fun to watch.  All the kids were incredible.

I'm amazed at the schools here in Tully, NY.  They have wonderful music and art programs, choirs, drama, and band- all in Elementary school.  I feel so grateful that my children are exposed to good kids, and wonderful teachers.  Our lives are SO enriched by our involvement in this community.

I am very involved in our community.  As I serve, our lives are blessed.  Watching Ellie sing and perform this weekend, I saw gifts and talents developing in her that she could never have learned from me.  And, I was SO, SO grateful for our community.

It has taken us a year and a half to feel it, but these are our people.
Tully- there's no place like home!!!
(See the legs I added to the dip spoons for the cast party- so fun.)

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