July 21, 2015

Day 5: The British Pageant

The British Pageant--
Oh, it was SO fun.  The British Pageant speaks my language.  It is my favorite pageant.  The message is inspiring, the colors are happy, the singing and dancing just touches your soul!  It really was a fun experience for all of us.

I can't tell you how my heart yearns to find my story in these pioneers.  I still think someday I will find an ancestral link to make me a genuine daughter of a Utah pioneer.  But, until then, I grab onto their pioneering spirit.  
(Poor iPhone didn't capture the movement and energy of this performance very well.)

My family immigrated to America looking for a better life.  I am a pioneer mother that seeks truth and is willing to move and sacrifice to go where He wants us to go.  Every day I climb forward with the spirit of the early British saints in my soul.

I loved that it rained before the pageant, sprinkled a little during, and mostly held on so we could get through the night.

Nauvoo Highlights::
Ben- playing on the old wagon in Main Street Nauvoo.  
Eve- chicken fighting in the pool 
Lily- swimming in the pool and staying in the huge hotel room on the top bunk (thanks Ellie!)
Leah- going to the gift shop
Ellie- the Nauvoo temple and the British Pageant
Anna- the Nauvoo temple, I loved the star stained glass windows 
Drew- going to Carthage Jail and seeing Joseph Smith's graveyard
Mom- The story of John Taylor, how he felt his mission in America, how his life was spared in Carthage, and how he came back for the rocking horse for his son 
Dad- seeing the temple, gunsmith shop, and playing in the pool with the kids

We love Nauvoo.
(I think we might finally be at the stage that car trips really are more fun then they are difficult.)

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