December 14, 2016

A Tough Pill to Swallow

For Leah, it was Ibuprofen.
For me, gift wrapping and laundry.

We were brave.  
We just kept trying.  
And, no big deal at all!  
I think we both laughed afterwards that we dreaded doing something that really wasn't hard at all.
Laundry can be fun.  
(I actually love laundry- when I'm organized.  These bins in the cupboard make it so easy-- I just fold them right out of the drier into these bins.)

Swallowing pills can be easy.
Lily got it first try!  She swallowed a noodle first and then a pill.
Leah took a little more time-- but she did it!!
And wrapping-- I just spent an hour wrapping.  It was nice to just get a little done.

Life is good!

1 comment:

  1. I struggle to swallow pills, too. Way to go, girls!!!

    And you're ahead of me in the wrapping department! I've done none!


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