January 11, 2017

What Shall We Give in Return for so Much?

Jakob was ordained as the First Assistant in his Priest Quorum on Sunday.

I am ALIVE and healthy!  I can walk and my bladder and bowels function!  I can cross country ski!! 

I know God.  He speaks to me, cleanses me, comforts me, and strengthens me.

I am married to my best friend.  He loves me.  We have created 8 fabulous children together.

We are so blessed with a loving, generous, supportive extended family.  Having moved many times throughout our marriage, our life is so full of good friends and examples.

I feel blessed to live here in the United States of America!  I love this beautiful land!  I love our democracy and our freedoms.  

A man I love, President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, gave a talk, "The Great the Plan of Our God!"  In it he said, 

"Recently I had the opportunity to travel to Belfast, Northern Ireland. While there, I noticed the Belfast Coat of Arms, which includes the motto “Pro tanto quid retribuamus,” or “What shall we give in return for so much?""

As I read these words today I felt that question echo in my soul.

Pro tango quid retribuamus.
What shall we give in return for so much?

And so, I'll tell you.

I will give him my CONFIDENCE.
My Heavenly Father has never let me down before and I will trust Him forever.

I will REMEMBER the miracles I've seen and the lessons I've learned.
No matter how large and daunting the trial in front of me appears, I will remember the mountains I have already climbed.  I will remember that after every hard thing I have endured I have felt the price I had to pay was worth the person I became.  

I will choose GRATITUDE over fear.
Looking for His presence instead of worrying IF He'll be there.

I will WALK ON.  When my ability to do seems insignificant when compared with my desire to do, I will just continue onward.  One step at a time.  I will pour my last drop of water and watch for His wine. 

I will give him my WORDS.  Even when my heart is heavy and my soul is tired, I will give thanks, testify, worship, pray, and forgive.

I will SHARE my blessings, I will LOVE Him and love His children,  I will WAIT PATIENTLY for His continued mercy.

I've been a bratty teenager lately.
I see it now.
I'm fighting with my best friend.

I've been telling God that He asks too much of me instead of telling Him how grateful I am for all He has given me.  

As a woman blessed with GREAT faith, I can tell you something I know.
Faith is a CHOICE.
Feelings follow focus.
If you focus on how blessed you are, you will FEEL blessed.
If you focus the hard things in life, life will feel harder.
If you trust God loves you, know He is guiding you, and look for His tender mercies in your life- you will see them.
If you cuss, pout, and give up, you will feel forlorn and abandoned.  
Let's choose faith together!

In return for SO MUCH, let's give him our heart.
Oh, the Lord is good to me.
Life is good.

1 comment:

  1. The nicest part of all is that God loves us even when we're "bratty teenagers."

    What a lovely psalm of praise you've written.


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