May 30, 2008

Lazy, Crazy Summer Daze...

It's finally here!!
Today is the last day of school and I get my kids with me all summer!!
They are already planning the "books" that they are going to write and the plays they are going to perform.
Horray for summer!!
Hope I can enjoy every moment and not worry about my messy house...


  1. Jen, I love this picture of your kids! SO cute!!
    It is fun to be able to comment on your posts finally!
    you look way too organized with your cute chart and such. You are a natural teacher. Way to be!!
    love ya!

  2. Hey Jen!

    Look how big and beautiful your family is getting! And congratulations on having another baby soon. A girl? That's awesome. You are so amazing. I was one of those people who actually joined Vox just so i could read your other blog, but I'm glad you have a blog on here cause we have a blogger. Check it out:
    Hope we can stay in touch! We miss you guys. Love you lots :) Take care, love vic :)


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