June 21, 2008

drew's baptism...

Drew’s Testimony
May 2008

My testimony is about when my family finished reading the Book of Mormon. My mom said to go in my room and pray to know if the Book of Mormon is true.

I went in my room and started to pray. When everyone was done praying we shared our testimonies and talked about how we felt.

I said that when I prayed I felt that Heavenly Father loved me. I also felt that the Book of Mormon was true. I felt that the Church was true and I knew that Joseph Smith was a real prophet.

I learned that if you pray hard and you have a lot of faith in Jesus Christ you can feel the same thing I felt.

I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ.


  1. Congratulations Drew! That's a wonderful testimony!

  2. Thanks for sharing your testimony, Drew. What a neat, awesome day for you!!


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