June 27, 2008

mentos and POP!!...


Let's make Mento's Geysers
This activity is probably best done outside in the middle of an abandoned field, or better yet, on a huge lawn.

Carefully open the bottle of soda. Position the bottle on the ground so that it will not tip over.

Unwrap the whole roll of Mentos. The goal is to drop all of the Mentos into the bottle of soda at the same time (which is trickier than it looks). One method for doing this is to roll a piece of paper into a tube just big enough to hold the loose Mentos. You'll want to be able to position the tube directly over the mouth of the bottle so that all of the candies drop into the bottle at the same time.

Don't drop them into the bottle just yet! Warn the spectators to stand back. Okay, you're going to drop all of the Mentos into the bottle at the same time and then get truckin' (move out of the way... so long... bye- bye... hasta la vista!)
It's just like fireworks on the 4th of July. The spectators erupt, of course, in a chorus of ooohs and ahhhs. Someone yells out, "Do it again" and you do.

How does it work? you'll have to ask Steve Spangler... i just know it looks like a mess of a great time... my boys are going to die when i show them this... yeah- this is how i win mother of the year... :) (after they tell me i'm the worst mom in the world for making them READ instead of play Gameboy all day)

1 comment:

  1. What do you think the Italians will think about doing this at the next activity? I'll just say it is an american tradition!
    fun ideas--keep em comin'


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