June 09, 2008

this is the BEST website

yeah- these will be my girls... tomorrow. I downloaded these two patterns and I have about 5 more patterns that I want to download. You know the saying, my eyes are bigger than my stomach... my eyes are bigger than my wallet and the hours in the day. :)

OK- you know that i'm one who obsesses... I have an idea and I want to do it NOW, I hate having to wait. SO, I'm so excited!! I found the BEST website-- it has all kinds of pattern that you can download. I downloaded two and they are exactly what I wanted. NOT TOO HARD, just like a blog with pictures and a few pattern pieces to show me how to make the clothes that I probably could have figured out on my own but was too scared.


Yeah, I'm excited... Can I really wait till tomorrow to start these projects???!!!

1 comment:

  1. SO cute!!
    I love that look. So, when I finally have my baby girl and you are on your twin boys--pass 'em along, okay?!!


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