June 16, 2008

These are the days...

What a day!
You can't help but find joy in life when you are surrounded by happy, jubilant children.
As I tucked mine in bed tonight, they are a bit pinker than I would like (it's that spray-on sunscreen, it doesn't work as well but takes 1/5 the application effort), but they are tired and still glowing.
From my sweet baby who isn't afraid to jump, and thinks she can swim without any help, who grins from ear to ear when I pull her up from a calculated-mock-drowning-experience...
To my girls who systematically include everyone within the pool walls... let's hold hands... let's all jump together... let's sing and dance and twirl and swim... did you see that mom?
To my older boys... you stay there and let's see if I can jump further than you... mom, watch to see who is fastest... i get the big tube first...quick, get to the deep end so the little girls can't grab onto us...
Life is sweet... and sunny... and full of joyful moments.
Yes, there are tons of dishes and wet towels and tired squabbling and "monsters under the bed" to justify the 15th trip into our bedroom at night... but there are those sweet sunshine moments.
Get ready... get set... JUMP!!
Catchin' some rays...

"Where's WALDO in the Pool?"

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