July 20, 2008

saying prayers...

this is sweet leah... she loves to say prayers...
this is the face that leah makes when we say
"close your eyes"...
imagine family prayer at our house...
we are all kneeling down, we tell leah to fold her arms, then mom can't resist saying "close your eyes"... everyone just dies laughing... it's impossible to be reverent when she's so funny... she'll stay like that too, for a long time, wondering why we are all laughing... if the prayer gets too long she just yells, "Amen!"... today during church she decided the closing prayer was getting a bit long... hopefully the speaker didn't hear her jubilant encouragement to finish up... AMEN!!
sweet baby prayer moments...


  1. Moments like these make motherhood worth it! You have the cutest kids. What fun you have in your home. If I could only be a mom like you when I grow up. =) Sorry to hear that you are having issues with this baby. We'll make sure to keep you in our prayers. Love the blog!


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