July 14, 2008

steroids today... blood tomorrow...

yeah, not such a fun day...
i had an allergic reaction to my transfussions and went a little crazy, swelling and itching, i started passing out again on Saturday, drugged myself with Benadryl on Sunday and woke up not doing so great this morning... when i called my blood doctor they wanted me to come right in... i just started to cry-- i had no idea what i could do with the kids (except get them all dressed and have them wait in the waiting room- but i never know if they're going to admit me to the hospital or not.)
Anyway, i called Grey and she went into "SuPerHeRO, save the planet" mode. She was at my house within minutes with her mother (visiting from California)... her mom stayed and cleaned my house, dressed my kids and fed them lunch, and Grey came with me to the doctors (i think i was a little out of it and she was scared of me driving...)
they never really know what to do with me- cause i'm pregnant. at first they were going to iv me right away, but after consulting with my ob and another blood doctor they decided on a prescription for steroids and continuation of the benadryl... i only had a few comments on how pale i was looking, whether or not i had put make-up on that morning, and whether i still wanted more kids... i should have told them to hook me up to benadryl and steroids and cut my tubes while they were at it... i did say, "Today, i'm happy with the 5 i have..."
i am WHITE- todd likes to describe me as the white people get after they throw-up... if you look at the place under my eyes, it's supposed to be pink... my tongue is white, and my gums are white... it's lovely... but, have no fear!! tomorrow i drink from the fountain of youth... they are going to fill me with someone else's plump red blood cells and i will feel AMAZING!!
todd isn't complaining... a sweet friend (Kimberly Mills) in our ward dropped off dinner, homemade bread... salmon... smashed potatoes... salad and fruit salad... and, fresh corn... i think todd wishes we had contacted the relief society a few weeks ago...

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Jen! What craziness! Yeah for grey and her mom. I wish I were there. Love you so much.


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