August 02, 2008

a tech quilt for todd (and brobergs)...

I sewed two of these quilts, one for us and one for good friends of ours, the Brobergs, who are moving to Kansas next week... i had to be careful what i posted about the quilt cause i was afraid that they might see my blog... anyway, we just had our "till we meet again" dinner and gave them the quilt... i wanted to get a picture with them holding the quilt, but i forgot... oh well... it's cute, but still red and black...

it's sad saying goodbye, but i'm so glad to know that someday we may be finishing this program, we may be moving and we might actually get a paycheck bigger than the debt we aquire each month...
NOTE- I originally ended my post with Go Raiders!! Todd explained that i needed to add, the Guns Up and Go RED raiders to be accurate...
i'm NOT sewing a dallas cowboy quilt next, don't worry...


  1. I'm so impressed with all the fun quilts you make and with how fast you do them all. I would love to learn how to do a more complicated pattern. Right now I just do squares and rectangle. Maybe in time.

    Do you do all of your quilting on your machine? I'm impressed with how nice your quilting is on the puppy dog quilt. I have only done 2 on my machine and I have a hard time getting even stitches with doing it freehand.

  2. Didn't know you had a blog--I just subscribed :) We should talk--I'll call you this week.


  3. WE LOVE OUR QUILT!!!! Again, many, many thanks... I can't believe that w/everything else you have going on this summer, you made time to do that for us--you rock!
    Happy Idaho!


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