August 25, 2008

Back to School!!!

What a LOVELY morning!!
I'm definitely a pro-school momma...
Everyone is dressed, fed and happy and it is only 7:20 am...
Is it bad that i don't cry when Ellie starts Kindergarten?

Ellie with Mrs. Hagood, Kindergarten

Anna with Ms. Teague, 1st grade Drew with Mrs. Dennis, 3rd Grade Jakob with Ms. Alexander, 4th grade


  1. Our kids started last week on the 18th. I have to admit, I am enjoying the peace and quiet. I think my kids do better with more structure. My plans to be organized and do reading and learning time went down the tube this summer, so I am glad to have them back in school learning.

    I wondered if something was wrong with me for not crying when my kids started school. I have a friend that was emotional the whole weekened before school started. I worried about my kids and want them to have a good experience and work hard, but didn't cry. Maybe it's that its my 5th year of having school and only her 2nd.

    Good Luck with the New Year!

  2. Jen, I hate to say it, but I was jumping up and down when the school bus left my driveway! I did however go to school and see that they made it with their teachers and that life was good, but I buzzed home, ran up the stairs, grabbed my sewing machine and the rest of the day was history! Life's good!


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