September 02, 2008

what's your last name again?...

THOUGHTS ON WEIGHT-- It's never a good sign when you get weighed at the OB and the nurse looks at your chart perplexed asking, "What's your last name again?" I said, "Why because I've gained so much." She smiled and said, "Yeah." It had been almost 4 weeks since I went to the doctor last, and it IS my SIXTH baby, come on, can't a woman delight in fatness sometime in her life?? (Just a side note-- I went to the OB again Sept.3 and I've lost 5 lbs... Ha! they didn't ask my last name this week...) THOUGHTS ON BIRTHDAYS-- Yeah, I'm still pregnant, I'm actually pretty bummed that I didn't go into labor on the 1st of Sept. Most of you know that except for Jakob (Feb 4), the rest of my kids are born on the 1st. (drew- June 1st, Anna- April 1st, Ellie- Aug 1st and Leah-Sept 1st). At first I was hoping that this baby could be born on October 1st, but I'm not going to go 2 weeks overdue to make that date... so then Sept. 1st passes and now I'm just stuck with 4 firsts and one 4th and one 15th (this is the date they will induce me...). My second plan is that I could have this baby on the 4th and my twin boys (coming next) on the 4th and then we'll have 4 on the 1st and 4 on the 4th... Yeah, i know i'm mental... just laugh and know i've already been evaluated... THOUGHTS ON ORGANIZING AND GARAGE SALES-- i didn't tell you--- MY MOM'S HERE!! She's a great organizer, which is exactly what i need right now because i'm totally ready to prepare my nest for my newest chick... she keeps boxing items for a garage sale that we're going to have... Because i love her, and because i'm grateful for her, this is fine with me... actually I HATE GARAGE SALES. I don't mind going to them, but the idea of bartering with some old lady who wants to pay $1 for something that to me is priceless, makes me crazy. I would much rather give all my stuff away for free with the idea that it is going to a good home where it will be cherished and valued and, i don't have to see who gets it or how much they are willing to pay for it. But, aside from the looming idea of a garage sale, having her here when i'm cranky and obsessing, before the baby comes, is the best thing in the world... i seriously think women in the 9th month of pregnancy need more help then mom's with newborns... THOUGHTS ON POLITICAL WOMEN-- On a political note-- I'm having issues... I was really excited about McCain's VP candidate, Sarah Pelin. She seems like a smart, successful, strong woman who appreciates family and could really make a difference in the world. BUT, she has a 4 month old baby with down syndrome, a 17 year old daughter who is pregnant, and a husband who is an Alaskan fisherman... i'm not sure how well he could work from Washington... Am I a sexist if I think she should be at home with her family, not trying to fix the problems of the country? Well, I'm not completely certain, I do like her, but a 4 month old with special needs AND a seventeen year old with special needs... how is she ever going to do it? When I run for Vice President I hope that my youngest will at least be in kindergarten... A PLEA FOR YOUR THOUGHTS-- ok, enough of my random ramblings... here's what i need-- Anyone have a REAL way to start labor?? I'm not sure that I can let the 4th go by without some good effort... The best suggestion i have so far is to dehydrate myself... sounds kinda scary, but tempting... Keep in mind-- this is baby #6 and I have NEVER gone into labor without help from drugs... Do you have any great after-baby weight loss tips?? I'm not huge, and i never have a problem loosing weight, but this baby has brought me to numbers that I have never seen before... she better come out weighing at least 30 lbs or all those people who tell me that "it's all baby" will have been liars... Anyway, I'm definitely going to start some amazing diet/exercise routine when this baby comes...

1 comment:

  1. My ob/gyn said to eat spicy food. Not that it worked for me...Hang in there kiddo! Love from England.


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