October 04, 2008

top 5 signs mom's been busy...

Today I was watching General Conference while my kids played. Todd had soccer duty-- 5 games in all, and I had little kid duty. Leah is the big sister now, and she was so good to play by herself most of the day. Yeah... like sweet little Gretel of old, she left me a trail of breadcrumbs so I would know where she'd been... 1. Someone has gotten into mom's DMC floss... ooooh what a mess! 2. Books, books, everywhere there are these piles of books... 3. Hmm... one little two year old in our family eats only the center of an Oreo (Golden Oreo's are our latest obsession) 4. I HATE CLEANING UP PUZZLE MESSES!! Puzzles and board games are two of the worst things to clean... I hate sorting small pieces!! 5. Finally, I hear a sound. The opening and closing of a cabinet with the occasional "Maaaaahm". I take a break from a nursing baby to seek out the cause and this is what I found... Oops! (This is one of those- smile-and-know-you-are-a-great-mother-most-of-the-time-moments) I hope she wasn't stuck like this too long!! I remembered a time when Drew was little, I heard him calling, "Mom!! Mom!!" And I yelled back, "Hold on Drew, I'll be there in a minute." He responded, "OK Mom... I'll hold on REAL tight!!" When I found him he was falling off a cupboard he was climbing, holding on for dear life. Tomorrow I'll be a more attentive mother. Tonight it's time for B-E-D so I can clean up this destruction.

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