November 20, 2008

Note To Self...

When using PINPOINT Lash Injection Mascara (read about it here)... you must take your time... brush it on your lashes the long ways... IF, you are in a hurry and you use the tip and go back and forth quickly you may end up with JUST ONE long, luscious clump-like lash... not so good. unless, you like the tammy faye look. i stink at downloading videos... but SERIOUSLY you need to watch this link... it's only one minute and it will change your mascara life... it did mine. (note- IF Tammy Faye was still alive, I'm sure she'd be using PINPOINT Lash Injection Mascara.)

"without my eyelashes i don't know who i'd be..."


  1. That video made my eyes water. I have major OCD when it comes to my eyelashes and clumps. I pick through them with a needle to make sure there aren't any clumps. Seriously....I think I may need some professional help.


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