November 08, 2008

real, live, cotton (well, maybe it's dead)...

Do you have any idea how cotton grows?
I didn't, before I moved here to Lubbock... LOOK!!This is a real, live cotton plant.
Seriously, cotton balls grow right on the plant... the plant dies and the cotton is harvested by big machines. I still have flashes of slaves picking cotton- I think I read too many historical fiction novels... When we first moved here I had to do some high-tech spy maneuvering... I stopped my kid-filled minivan discretely near a field of cotton and picked one for the kids to see... yup- it really feels just like cotton balls you buy at the store. Who knew?! It's amazing the things you learn here in Texas. (Thanks Bliss for the cool picture I stole.)


  1. Hey Jen,
    Your quilts are SOOOO cute!!! I got you question about the family picture. Go to your layout and under the header section (where you have Moss Moments and the quote) on mine you can edit that and there is a place you can put a picture. Make sure you hit the shrink it to fit button (it says something like that) and then it just places it and you can put your title anywhere you want and use any color.

  2. Hey Jen--
    I love that you put this picture on here. I had no idea that this was how cotton grew either, until we moved to Arizona. There are some cotton fields not far from our house and I have always wanted to go pic some to see if it really feels like cotton balls. Now I know it does. :)

  3. I'm loving the blog!

    I once heard a teacher explain about stripping cotton. She said that the first step in harvesting is stripping all the leaves from the plant, then it's easier to get to the cotton to harvest it.

    She compared it to seasons in our lives. There are some parts of our lives that are beautiful for a season, like the leaves on the plant. But when a new season comes, the leaves no longer have a purpose and they must be stripped to get to what's important for the new season, the cotton.

    "Life stripping" might be painful and it might be hard to let go of all the beauty of the leaves, but it's necessary to get to the blessings of the new season.

    Anyway, the picture made me think of that.

    Happy Wednesday.


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