December 03, 2008

1/4 inch from the edge...

quilts, quilts, quilts...
So, my friend Bliss is always coming up with new ideas and sucking the rest of us into them.
Her latest idea, a quilting blog. We have a little quilting group here that is AMAZING. Seriously. These women can quilt, and they quilt A LOT!! I'm a bit embarassed to post my quilts next to theirs- cause they are PERFECT. (And, most of my quilts are just copying theirs.) But, I am faster than they are and maybe a bit more computer savy. So, if I post my quilts first you may not be able to tell that I've copied all their ideas... hmmm. So, I'm INTRODUCING YOU TO...
go check it out... you'll LOVE it!!


  1. I love the tag line... "1/4 inch from the edge"

    Your quilts are amazing! I don't care if you do just copy them.

  2. What a fun idea. I need to find ladies around here to do that with! You've got a great group of friends. That will be my newest spot for ideas! Love the old ladder to display quilts. You're great!


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