December 05, 2008


See what I'm making... doesn't it look fun!!
bed at 1:30 am...
two quilts ready to quilt...
3 more tops in progress...
i love projects...
How do I do it?
Check out my family room... QUILT LAND!
No. I didn't neglect my kids. We made cookies after school. They ate dinner, with REAL mashed potatoes, AND I read them books before bed. This morning Drew got a sack lunch, the girls got dressed like Snow White and Ariel (It's Disney's birthday. duh.). We found 4 quarters so they could get the Disney ice cream special... and, they were a bit tardy for school but i told them to run to class and see if their teacher makes them go to the office for a slip. I still need to put up Christmas decorations (throw away the shriveled pumpkins in my front garden) and Anna is lucky that she could wear Ariel cause I REALLY need to do laundry. But,
i love projects...


  1. You have been to my house haven't you? I swear you stole that picture of my living room except there are no quilts just projects. It's the only thing to get you out of the hum drum. I love Christmas!

  2. I love that first picture of the bird and flowers. Can't wait to see when it's done.

  3. Can I come and live with you and be your quilting apprentice so you could let your creativeness just flow over me?


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