January 13, 2009

what? i can't hear you? i'm EXERCISING!!

Yes. I still LOVE the Jillian Michael's DVD- Shred. Yes. I recommend that you splurge the $9 at Wal-Mart to buy it. I love even more the 30 day free trial at her web-site. She has GREAT menu ideas, shopping lists and ideas for healthy snacks and meals. I think her recipes are healthy and doable-- not way out there... and, I like that she is balanced-- Not ALL protein NO carbs... AND. I want to kiss the 300 pound butts of those biggest loosers. Seriously. I can still barely get through level ONE. I think I can do maybe 5 girl push-ups. I'm not so good, but getting better... I'm watching biggest looser and when they cry I may just cry with them... you go fat girls... work it for all of us. Seriously. Next year, when all of you are reporting your marathons in your Christmas letter, mine will say... "Jenifer has been EXERCISING this year. She has finally completed Level ONE of the biggest looser work-out and can now do 30 seconds of push-ups without cheating."

1 comment:

  1. I am proud of you! Exercising is my saving grace. Keep it up.


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