January 10, 2009

yeah- day three

ok. day 3 and I'm STILL exercising. life is good. i'm not feeling super posty lately. maybe cause i'm too busy eating healthy. yeah. i bought tofu. and almond butter (like peanut butter but with almonds)... so yummy. i love texas. soon i'll download pics and tell you all about our first cheerleading experience. ellie got the white "Most Christlike" star on her megaphone. anna got "Best Cheers". There was a devotional at half-time. and. my favorite. there were 3 bleachers overflowing of people who came to watch. you couldn't find a seat. all around the stands it was standing room only. families, grandparents, aunts, friends, all cheering for their cheerleaders or basketball players. yeah. only in tejas...


  1. Good work on day 3! I told myself I was going to start exercising and actually using the Wii Fit, but so far it is January 10th and I haven't. Hmfph!

  2. Way to go Jen!!! You will have to tell me how tofu is. I think I would prefer turkey burger. I keep telling myself I am going to get around to it but haven't started yet. We will have to see how next week goes.

  3. Um... I need to call you to get the full Jen experience, but I just have to say... I LOVE YOU! And I love your blog! And I love your posts!
    Are you still liking the Jillian DVD? Do you recommend it?
    MISSING you... :-(

  4. My new DVD still has the plastic on it. I have signed up for Ogden's half again...but that's not until the first of May - forever away, right? Plenty of time to train...


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