February 02, 2009

sick babies...

So. While i was in Virginia, Todd was home with some sick babies. Leah had the flu. The real flu. And, Anna just had an infection. (Todd even took them to the doctors... by himself!) I found these images waiting on my camera when i got home... oooooo don't you just want to love on em? (i love the arms behind her head.)
(i love that she's wearing her mommy-sewn cowpoke skirt.) and, it looks like they managed to have some fun, once the medicine kicked in...
OH- I JUST LOVE A MAN THAT'S NOT AFRAID OF A LITTLE PRETTY, PRETTY PRINCESS. So. What have i been doing since i've been home??
yup. lily is sick. rsv. it's SOOO sad. but, she's sweet.
life. gotta love it?!


  1. I know I am sick with two sick boys! But not RSV I hated that. And no throw up either thank heaven. I told my kids that they couldn't do anything with screens while they were home sick. And they stayed home anyway, so I guess they really are sick.

  2. I hate RSV I don't like the word hate but in this case I use it to the full extent. Good luck!!

  3. Oh, sweet baby! Good thing she has a good mommy to take care of her & good thing you have a good husband to take care of you!

    By the way everything is good on the home front!

  4. I have a nebulizer just like yours!! But it is really sad to see someone so young have to use it! Good Luck with the sickies!

  5. Sick kids are so sad! Bless them.


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